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Einflussfaktoren auf die Häufigkeit von sexueller Aktivität

Einflussfaktoren auf die Häufigkeit von sexueller Aktivität

Lead partner:
Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften

Scientific management:
Juliane Burghardt

Additional participating institutions:
Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität für Gesundheitswissenschaften
Psychosomatisches Zentrum Waldviertel
Psychosomatisches Zentrum Waldviertel

Research field:

Funding tool: Basic research projects
Project-ID: LSC20-003
Project start: 01. Jänner 2022
Project end: will follow
Runtime: 36 months / ongoing
Funding amount: € 287.479,00

Brief summary:
Sexual activity is associated with well-being, physical health, and partnership quality. Recent findings have suggested a decline in sexual activity in the last decade across a broad range of the population. Both, men and women, partnered individuals and those without a partner, and various age groups have reported less or no sexual activity. Authors have suggested that this development may be due to increased digital media use, which may reduce or interrupt face-to-face social interactions or substitute sexual activity by offering an alternative form of social validation. A different explanation assumes that the decline was the result of financial insecurities following the 2008 financial crisis. Hence, we seek to test whether digital media use or material deprivation are associated with lower sexual activity and whether this lower sexual activity is linked to negative experiences such as social isolation, stress, or low self-esteem. Thus, we want to study factors that relate to sexual activity and the impact they have on overall well-being. We seek funding for three studies: Study one should test the different associations of sexual activity, loneliness, stress, self-esteem and material deprivation at a single measurement point to elaborate on interindividual differences. Study 2 and 3 should measure the aforementioned factors over the course of a month with daily measurements using the experience sampling method. This allows to measure intraindividual associations between the factors and dynamic developments. Study 2 should target people with a partner and Study 3 those without a partner. Study 1 should use a convenience sample, recruiting participants by word-of mouth spread, while Study 2 and 3 should recruit participants using ads in local newspapers and in public transportation. Combining the three studies will support the validity of findings that replicate in all studies. The brevity of study 1 should facilitate creating a big sample that allows to study relevant subsamples and generalize results to broad parts of the population. Starting with study one will allow us to adjust measures for study 2 and 3 if necessary. Study 2 and 3 allow in-depth analyzes of more complex dynamics. Taken together, the studies will increase our understanding of sexuality and the factors underlying it. If the changes in sexual activity are part of a broader problematic development, the studies will allow an early intervention to prevent further negative developments in the general population. Otherwise the gained information can be used to support sexual health and overall well-being. Due to its high relevance for the general population and many interest groups, we seek a broad and swift dissemination of the findings.

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