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Klimawandel und dessen Auswirkungen auf touristische Attraktionen in Niederösterreich

Klimawandel und dessen Auswirkungen auf touristische Attraktionen in Niederösterreich

Lead partner:
IMC Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Krems

Scientific management:
Claudia Bauer-Krösbacher

Additional participating institutions:
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien

Research field:
Geistes-, Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften

Funding tool: Basic research projects
Project-ID: FTI20-005
Project start: 01. Jänner 2022
Project end: will follow
Runtime: 24 months / ongoing
Funding amount: € 199.100,00

Brief summary:

Attractions are at the heart of the Lower Austrian tourism product. Much effort has been put into diversifying the cultural and natural heritage and making it accessible to both local and international visitors. Existing attractions have been updated, new attractions have been opened and numerous events have been established. However, the attractiveness and experiences of these sights are likely to be influenced by climate change accompanied by increasing temperatures and reduced precipitation. So far, no systematic review of the relevance and possible impacts of climate change on attractions exists. Therefore, this research aims to investigate such impacts on different kinds of attractions in all regions in Lower Austria. In this context, not only possible threats and opportunities but also economic consequences likely to occur will be examined. Furthermore, specific measures for adaptations in order to keep attractions appealing for visitation will be scrutinised. The latter will include an analysis of threats and factors that hinder adaptation processes and will explore what kind of support (governance, economic support, etc.) is needed for these adaptations. Another aim of this research is to examine changes in the needs and desires of visitors as a consequence of climate change. An understanding of such changes are imperativ for attractions in order to be able to adapt their offers and to provide memorable experiences. The findings of this study will help attractions managers in Lower Austria to successfully adapt their offers to the effects of climate change and therefore stay attractive and competititve in the future. Attractions are also important employers especially in structurally weak regions in Lower Austria. The provision of jobs in such areas helps to keep people in the area and prevents migration. The study will also provide important insights into the economic relevance and possible consequences of inaction and a lack of preventative planning. Attractions are not only important determinants of a successful tourism destination but also improve the quality of life of local people. The benefits of attractions are therefore not confined to tourists but include also local people.

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